Westleton Co-Housing; The Vision

The design brief for the co-housing scheme has been developed alongside the Glebe Meadow CIC, who describe the vision for co-housing as follows:

“We see co-housing as a way of group living with friendly, cooperative neighbours who look out for each other and provide support when needed. The aim is to promote neighbourliness, combat isolation and offer mutual support for individuals to be able to live independently for as long as possible”  

In essence, the aim is to deliver a high quality, age appropriate co-housing scheme for locals over 65 years old, that promotes health and social benefits & supports independent living. The vision for the scheme is to create an age appropriate development of 20 primary home dwellings for seniors around a shared social hub that:

  • Creates a high quality, safe space that is vibrant, healthy and attractive for residents & that enables them to live full, independent lives for longer.

  • Is sustainable, using environmentally friendly construction materials that are highly insulated to ensure energy efficiency and low external heat requirements throughout the year.

  • Develops a key site within the village of Westleton which is within easy walking distance of all village amenities.

  • Delivers both market and affordable housing for the local Yoxmere Benefice community. Not only is there an identified need for more housing in the former Suffolk Coastal District (+10,900 over the next 20 years), there is a clear desire for ‘right sizing’ in the local area but very little opportunity for older residents in unsuitable accommodation – houses that are too big for their needs, garden too large, bath and /or stairs a concern, located too far away from village amenities – to move into smaller, age appropriate, modern bungalows. 

  • Delivers valuable economic use of the land, providing ‘right-sized’ homes that enable larger homes in the area to be released for families and younger workers.

  • Respects and responds to the local setting and character of the surrounding conservation area, whilst increasing the choice of housing available.

  • As the area has one of the oldest populations of any district in the country, we believe this model could be rolled out in other locations in the district. The impact of an ageing population on housing supply and increased demand for specialist housing was considered to be a key issue in the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan .

  • Is a community initiative that is attempting to improve local residents self sufficiency through peer to peer support via a co-housing model.

  • Enhances the vitality of the rural community .  

  • Encourages residents to share facilities such as car pooling which will have a positive impact on the environment & reduce the importance of private motor vehicles.

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The Vision of Glebe Meadow Westleton CIC has received widespread support throughout the community, including from the local MP, Suffolk County Council, District Councillor, Parish Councils throughout Yoxmere Benefice, as well as strong local support with 90% of respondents saying they thought the concept was a good idea for the area.